Songs For Other Women

© ℗ Maja Palra Music Publishing, 2011

This collection of songs, as the title suggests, is for various women. They are a hybrid of personal experience, based on some event that triggered an emotion or idea, and that which weighs heavy on the heart. They are part autobiographical, part expanded events, but all reflect common experiences and moments in time not forgotten, captured here like snapshots put to music. It's thrilling to have these songs, that have been floating around in my head forever, recorded. So, get a set of headphones, dim the lights, read the lyric pages as you listen and enjoy this labor of love.

This CD contains no obscene lyrics, no profanity and no descriptions of violence. However, I would rate this CD PG as some of the lyrics, even when done tongue-in-cheek, describe or imply adult themes and situations, which might not be suitable for minors.

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To purchase a CD, send $10 to:
Brian Baumgardner
P.O. Box 253
Frederick, MD 21705-0253
Credits               Equipment
Song List Preview
1 Come Back To Me
2 52 Years Ago
3 Dad Don't Look at Mom
4 Robin and Cindy
5 You Take the Heartaches
6 Clare
7 Christie Ann
8 It's Too Late For Love
9 But I'd Only Walk Away
10 The Problem Is
11 I Should Have Loved You From Afar 
12 I Was Not Looking
13 Follow Me
14 Sin

Photo by Dorothy Olson

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